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Tips To Keep Your Cell Phone Working Well

cell phone tips

When you’ve purchased a new cell phone, naturally you want to keep it working as well as when it comes first comes out of the box. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to extend the life and abilities of your cell phone.

Battery Life
One major area of concern for phone owners is always the battery. In order to help your battery last as long as possible, you want to make sure that your phone is protected from weak signals. Whenever you are in a place where you know that the signal is weak, make sure that you turn the phone off. The harder your phone has to work for a signal, the quicker it drains the battery. Weak areas also include inside purses, briefcases, or in lower drawers of a desk or filing cabinet.

Update Wisely
Another way you can keep your phone running at full capacity is to be smart about your updates. While updating your apps and your operating system can keep your phone current, it can be hard on the processing power and memory of an older phone. Most updates are designed for the expanded memories, quicker processors, and biggest displays of the newest phones, so be smart about which updates you choose to accept.

Turn it Off
If you have a smartphone, it is important to remember that your phone is a small computer. And like all computers, your phone needs the opportunity to refresh and reboot every day or two. By turning your phone off, you give it the opportunity to fix any performance-hindering glitches as well as the chance to purge all the memory that is being used by programs that you are no longer running. So even though all your apps and programs may tempt you to keep you phone on 24/7, turning your smart phone off every day or two will help improve its performance.

Think Twice About Cases
Our final tip is to think twice about any protective measures. Many people choose to cover their screen with a protective layer or to enshroud their phone in an extra case. In most cases, these layers offer only a minimal amount of extra protection and can seriously hamper the responsiveness of your screen, buttons, and ports.

By taking a few of these extra steps, you can make sure that your phone works as well as it can for as long as possible.